Self-Join to extract information in two columns¶
The problem¶
In timeseries data, information for an entity (here, a team) is sometimes in one column, sometimes in another. We want to compute the difference in the entity's value from one timepoint to the next. But this is not straightforward.
A solution¶
Our dataset is FiveThirtyEight's NFL Elo Rankings. Note, I have cropped this dataset to seasons 2007 & after.
elo_df = pd.read_csv('Data/nfl_games.csv')
Here is what our dataframe looks like:
The entries are by game. We want to calculate the change in a team's Elo ranking score from one week to the next. We will ultimately want to execute a 'shift' to get the before- and after-Elo scores in the same row. But first, we must address the fact that sometimes a team is 'team1' and other times it is 'team2':
elo_df[(elo_df['team1'] == 'NO') | (elo_df['team2'] == 'NO')][['date','team1','team2','elo1','elo2']].head()
To remedy this, we'll effectively perform two "self-joins" of the table. One on team1 and its Elo score and game score, and one on team2
elo_append_cols_h = ['date','season','neutral','playoff','team1','elo1','score1']
elo_append_cols_a = ['date','season','neutral','playoff','team2','elo2','score2']
elo_df_h = elo_df[elo_append_cols_h]
elo_df_a = elo_df[elo_append_cols_a]
elo_df_h = elo_df_h.rename(columns={'elo1':'elo', 'team1':'team','score1':'score'})
elo_df_a = elo_df_a.rename(columns={'elo2':'elo', 'team2':'team','score2':'score'})
Here is what one half of the self-joined dataframes looks like. It contains only the data for team 1. The other dataframe, as you can guess, contains only the data for team2.
We append one df to the other, sort by date, and then apply a shift:
elo_df_flat = elo_df_h.append(elo_df_a, ignore_index=True)
elo_df_flat.sort_values('date', inplace=True)
elo_df_flat.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
elo_df_flat['elo_after'] = elo_df_flat.groupby('team')['elo'].shift(-1)
elo_df_flat['elo_delta'] = elo_df_flat['elo_after'] - elo_df_flat['elo']
Recall from our glimpses above that IND played NO in the first game. Their elo_delta's should sum to 0, and they do:
Now, we merge back with the original dataframe on date & team = team1, merging only 'elo_delta'.
elo_df_flat_for_merge = elo_df_flat[['date','team','elo_delta']]
elo_df = pd.merge(elo_df, elo_df_flat_for_merge, left_on=['date','team1'], right_on=['date','team'])
elo_df.drop(columns='team', inplace=True)
elo_df.rename(columns={'elo_delta':'elo_delta1'}, inplace=True)
Voila! $\Delta$Elo's for a given game, computed from the next week's Elo Ranking for the teams involved.